Thursday, 8 December 2016

One of the best table manners possible.

Let us know what you think about table manners.

One of the best table manners possible, in my recent experience: never ever comment on the name of the restaurant you are invited to, however tempting. Don't  even think of it. It could be much worse than the following:

"Very indirectly connected to table manners, clearly literally connected to language, and somehow a food-related joke to all the English colleagues of mine were the invitations to German and Austrian restaurants with rather interesting names. You don’t expect to be invited to “Lust Haus” (restaurant in Vienna) when on business trip. Not really, even if the idea had been crossing your head couple of times in some form or shape. You definitely don’t expect to find good food in LoosHaus(Austria). Service – definitely. But food? And the winner was the invitation from then CEO. We had the rather serious meeting, which ended with his joyful invitation to the unprepared public: “And now we all go to Wonka!” (restaurant in Germany) Turned out to be a rather fine place. “Shall we go to Wonka” became a synonym for the invitation to go out for a meal for a couple of years to follow." (Tanya Kosh, "Are You in or are you Out?)
It could be much, much worse. Sorry if you find the photo below disturbing. No offence meant. Just a snap of reality.

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